You’ll select a background when your art is ready for approval
×Photo Guide
For best results, please follow our handy guide below when choosing a photo to upload. We use the exact image uploaded to create your artwork, so please only choose images you are happy for us to use.
What will work... |
Taken at eye level |
Photo is sharp |
What won't work... |
Taken far away |
Too dark or too bright |
Extra Info
Once your order is placed, our friendly team will review all your photos uploaded and select the most suitable one for your chosen design. If any (or all) of your photos aren't suitable, we will email to ask for alternatives.
Feel free to send us a message if you would like to check if your photos will work with your chosen design.
We’ve put together a few guidelines you need to follow to get the best portrait possible.
If you have a photo but are unsure whether it will work or not, you can always contact us
Please note that requesting a photo or costume change after your proof has been sent means that our artist has to start again from scratch and as such this will incur a small fee which goes back to the artist to cover their time & effort.
The costs for these changes start from: