September 09, 2020 3 min read
We all love a pamper day, and so do our beloved pets. Grooming not only makes your pet look pristine but also provides you with an opportunity to develop and grow a bond with them. You can groom your pet yourself at home or take them to a salon for grooming. A mix of both is always good for your pet. Here are some tips to help you out with pet grooming.
Everyone is looking to save a little money here and there, and grooming your pet home is a great way to shave a few hundred dollars/pounds off your budget every year. It can be a little intimidating at first, especially if your pet has anxiety about grooming, but we are here to help.
First of all, before doing any grooming, be sure you are prepared with the following tools - You can buy them from any pet store near you or order them from online stores like Amazon, eBay, or Petsmart:
1. Pick a safe and suitable place
Somewhere they can’t slip and that allows them to run away safely if they’ve had enough!
2. Bath your fur baby
Wash them regularly with warm water. Make sure you use suitable shampoo and conditioner, depending on your dog. After taking your dog for a walk, use wipes to clean their paws.
3. Clean those eyes
Use a small piece of cotton wool with water to get the discharge away from their eyes. Wipe in a downward motion and make sure to do this daily.
4. Brush your dog's coat
Little and often is best as it allows them to get used to being handled. It also helps remove any pollen from their coat.
5. Trimming YourFur babies Fur
Start with a dry, clean dog. Only use the tips of shears or scissors to trim your dog’s feet, face, and tail, which will prevent you from cutting your dog if they move suddenly. Make sure you don’t trim around their eyes. When trimming ears, always have your other hand on the edges of the ears so you know where you are only cutting the hair. If your dog’s fur is matted, never try to cut it with scissors and use clippers instead."
6. Clip those nails
They should be clipped every 3-6 weeks. An easy way to see if your dog's nails need clipping is to look at them when your dog is standing straight – their nails should not touch the floor. If they are, they may need trimming.
7. Teeth & mouth hygiene
Start teeth cleaning when they're a puppy and brush their teeth every day to get them used to it. Be sure to buy a dog toothpaste as human ones aren't suitable. Dental chews and treats are also a good way of helping to keep your dog's teeth clean.
8. Treats Galore!
Treats can be used as rewards if they behave well whilst being groomed!
Are you taking your pet our for a grooming pamper session today? Type in dog grooming near me in your google search bar and book an appointment with your favorite groomer now. On the side notes, pet grooming business is a wonderful business idea.
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